Friday, June 7, 2013

Final Reflection

Here is a photo of me at the Galllery Show.
1. I learned a lot from the gallery show, I think it was really interesting to see everyone works all together. It also made the year so much more rewarading after seeing all of our hard work displayed in an actual gallery.
2. For next year's students, I would advise you to do your portfolio on something that you really enjoy, and don't be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone. It is also really important to stay on top of your work and take a lot of different photos!
3. One of the positve aspects of the year was learning how to layer photos. I thought that it was really interesting and fun to learn how to do that. Another thing that I liked was doing the blog, I think it was cool to see what everyone else was doing in the class.
5.  I learned a lot about myself as an artist this year; one would be that I really like abstraction in nature. I also really enjoyed taking photos with cool lighting and texture.
6. I think that taking this class really helped me become a better photographer and made me look at things in a different way. I think it will help me in the future if I chose to become an artist when I'm older because it made me explore new topics and ideas. I think it also helped my writing and professionalism.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 6 - Concentration Photos

Here are my final pieces that I chose. I still need to narrow it down to 12, but I think that I will probably end up getting rid of the first three.  My favorite pictures are the last eight. I'm not quite sure on the order yet, but I think that I will probably keep it somewhat in this order. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 5

This is the photo I layered with the flower.

This is the original photo I layered with the flower.
This week I tried experimenting with layering photos together. I really enjoyed layering the photos, but it was hard to find photos that mixed well together. Also I don't know if I should stick with just nature or add landscapes/non nature shots with the abstract nature. 

Over the break I plan on taking more abstact nature shots and try finding some cool landscapes that I can layer with. Also I want to try taking photos with water and doing something cool with them, maybe layer or do a diptyct with them.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 4


In this week, I was trying to be more creative with my shots and try more extreme angles. In this set of photos I was trying to focus on the texture of the object and also the lighting.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 3

In this set of photos, I was trying to get more abstract with my photos to make them more interesting. I was also trying to use different objects for my photos. This is just a hard time to do a lot of nature shots since it's transitioning from winter. I am hoping to get some cooler shots when the plants start growing again.